⌘ Ctrl + Alt + Reclaim ⌘

A Youth Manifesto for our Digital World.

As the first generation to grow up online, we understand all that the internet can bring: community and connection across continents and cultures, participation in movements that can change the world, instant access to information and services on a scale never dreamed of in history.

But a tiny group of CEOs have taken this gift, this product of collective creativity – and claimed it for themselves. They’ve commandeered its networks; walled in its profits; built vast, opaque monopolies that answer to no one. And in the process, they’ve put our lives at risk. Here’s how:

We may be the first generation to live our whole lives as ‘profiles’ to extract data from, but we’re here to say we will be the last. We are ready to reclaim our digital world.

We’ve got plans for a world where we - the users - come first, not tech bro’s profits. Where social media is safe, inclusive and easy to step away from. Where community and connection are promoted above outrage and division. Where the details of our lives belong to only us.

This is the world we all want. This is how we make it real. From today, and every day we will be fighting for:

This is our time: Join the movement. Decide your own future.